Membership Dues and Fees
Full Membership is for those owning and sailing a boat at the OSC- $725.00
Crew Membership is for those without a boat, and interested in the OSC and sailing- $375.00
Mooring Space- $50.00
Dock Space- $12.50 per foot/boat length
Winter Storage
$175, Sailboats only; no car-top boats permitted.
Please note:
Invoices- Invoices for the above fees are sent in January based upon the previous season's information. Changes to membership type, mooring or dock spaces are requested to be made by January 1.
Payment is due and should be received by March 1 if you wish to avoid 10% late late fee.
On time payments allows for accurate and responsible financial and facilities planning at the start of each season.
Winter storage: Only sail boats stored on trailers are permitted to be stored over winter; car top boats are no longer permitted.
Application and payment is due before and no later than Fall Dock Day. Penalties accrue weekly.
Members may be invoiced in September of each year based on use of winter storage in the previous season. See Winter Storage page and Handbook for details.